new requests and updates:

Gary Ricci: Had his heart valve replacement surgery yesterday. He is doing well and will hopefully be home today or tomorrow. Pray for healing.

Mary Peterman: Had foot surgery. Now in a wheelchair. Pray for healing.

Pastor Leon: His grandson, Owen, had 3 teeth surgically removed. Pray for rapid healing and no infection.

Rich Smith: His friend, Gary, had emergency triple bypass surgery yesterday. He is a believer. Pray for his recovery.

Roni Bryant: Her brother, Tony, is hospitalized with covid. Pray for healing and salvation for him and his family.

Roni Bryant: Fell and injured her hand 2 weeks ago. Pray for healing.

Wayne and Becky Johnson: Have covid. Wayne is recovering and Becky is waiting for recovery.

Ron Brecheisen: In the middle of covid sickness. His dad, Jim, is also very sick. Pray both would recover quickly.

Mike and Elsa Elder: Pray for wisdom and guidance as they navigate broken relationships with their 2 oldest children.

continue to pray for:

Lori Gamboe: Her niece, Carissa, is 22 weeks pregnant. She will stay in the hospital until the baby comes. They hope she will make it until at least October. Please be praying for this family.

Angela Goldsmith: Her dad, Dwight, is home after open heart surgery. Went into AFIB after surgery, but is under control with medication. Pray for full healing and that the AFIB is temporary.

Bruce Scollard: COPD and sleep issues. Pray for healing and strength for his body.

John Norman: Has permission to remove his back brace. Praise the Lord! Pray for complete healing and strength.

Paulette George: Has serious issues with her heart. Pray wisdom for her and the doctors as they decide on future treatment.

Liz Huebner: Pray for pain relief through injections in spine next week and upcoming discussions with surgeon next month.

Liz Huebner: Pray for income and healing for her cousin’s daughter, Marcy.

Robin Hoyer: Please pray for salvation for her son. He is desperate need of the Lord.

Don Landreth: Is healing from his recent motorcycle accident. Continue to pray for healing for his broken collarbone, ribs and other injuries.

battling cancer

new requests and updates:

Stephanie Tavares: Her sister-in-law, Cyndy, had colon surgery and removed all the cancer. Pray for her recovery.

Don Newcomb: Struggling with serious pain from numerous serious health issues: prostate cancer, back issues, weakness, nerve and leg weakness. Just diagnosed with stomach cancer.

Marian Overdier: Her friend, Wanda, has throat cancer. She is very discouraged and confused.

Elsa Elder: Her friend, Kae, has cervical cancer. Pray for healing and her walk with the Lord.

Lance Garrett: His brother, Brett, is doing well since having surgery to remove lymphoma from affected areas.

continue to pray for:

Chuck Baldwin: Will be having a biopsy on August 31st to see if his cancer has returned or is in remission.

Robin Hoyer: Her brother, Jerry, has cancer of the esophagus. He doesn’t know the extent of it yet as he has not had scans run yet. He is a believer. Pray that he will be able to eat, for treatments, and peace for him and his family.

Melody Sober: Her husband, Jeff, has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Pray for wisdom for the doctors, healing for Jeff, and peace for Melody and Jeff.

Jon Mitchell: His friend, Joe, has pancreatic cancer, the prognosis is not good. Pray for his healing and his walk with the Lord.

Judy Stearns: Pray for her blood cancer.